Are you looking for the best selection of area rugs? Look no further than Carpet and Design! Our collection includes a wide range of styles, colors, and patterns to suit any space. From traditional to modern designs, we have the perfect rug to complement your existing décor and personal style. Plus, our rugs are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for years to come. Visit us today to browse our collection and find the perfect area rug for your home or office.

  • Standard Sizes

  • Custom Area Rugs
  • Looking for something to take home today?  We may have the perfect one waiting for you, in our showroom.

We're conveniently located on Sunrise Highway in Lynbrook
Need Directions? Enter address or zip code below...

469 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, New York 516.256.2800

469 Sunrise Highway - Lynbrook, New York
